
The Garganega grape is the queen variety of these lands and is an indigenous variety among the most versatile of the Veneto region. Recioto wine’s name comes from a dialect term “recie,” which indicated the bunches of grapes left in the vineyard by farmers for a late, post-harvest harvest. The harvested grapes were hung in the attics of houses in a formation called a “picaio” and left to dry until spring for an excellent concentration of aromas and flavors.


Recioto di Gambellara D.O.C.G.

Recioto di Gambellara Passito is a sweet, golden-colored wine made by withering Garganega grapes that are harvested by hand and placed in special boxes. It is a wine traditionally paired with local pastries.

Vin Santo di Gambellara D.O.C. Picaio

Vin Santo is made from grapes that were traditionally dried until Holy Week, hence the name of this wine. In past times, due to the fact that it was produced in very limited quantities, it represented a true elixir tasted on special occasions: when a woman gave birth to a child, when people became ill or to celebrate unique events.